
A dental laser is a type of laser designed specifically for use in oral surgery or dentistry. Dental diode lasers deliver clear benefits over conventional
methods of treatment with mostly scar-free wound healing and improved germ reduction. For patients, the use of lasers means less post-operative pain and therefore less need for medication.

We use SIROLaser Blue which is the world‘s first dental laser to have a blue, an infrared, and a red diode. This gives it a range of more than 20 indications – from surgery to germ reduction to soft laser applications. 

Benefits of Laser

  • Less discomfort
  • Ideal for sensitive patients
  • Almost bloodless procedures
  • Improved post-operative healing
  • Reduced post-operative inflammation
  • Most procedures require little or no anesthetic
  • Reduced unpleasant pressure, noise and vibrations
  • Little to no tissue recession due to controlled thermal damage